#!/bin/sh ## webhook handler for multi-rolemenu direct update. # Feed your own complete JSON as standard input. Input format: # { "content" : "Your-message-here\n ... really!" } # message IDs collected from a set of placeholders RMSG1="7848511981527562" RMSG2="7285121585639102" RMSG3="7085122542509631" RMSG4="7985123238613918" # pick which one to update TMSG="$RMSG1" # webhook to channel in question, with .../messages/NNNN update format HOOK="https://discord.com/api/webhooks/7483741268311932/x3_yW2Dl9nQrD34hghQkyhqY-4JGj9YZoXV8oM2Set2K6YiqDRJlExs7hjm/messages/${TMSG}?wait=1" curl -X PATCH -H "Content-type: application/json" -d @- "$HOOK" # ... and that's it!