## This contains two parts, describing interaction with the SmartFade board: ## pre-event thoughts ## post-event experiences Subject: Smartfade @ Arisia Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2011 21:01:01 +0000 (GMT) One piece of relatively new gear I'm renting for Arisia is an ETC Smartfade 24/96 board. These have shown up at a few cons in the past but were never really utilized, and a couple of years ago I railed a bit at its lack of a properly-featured cue stack. That's still true, but there are some other favorable reasons for picking one of these boards. It looks roughly like http://techno-fandom.org/~hobbit/lighting/arisia11/sf.jpg which is a screenshot from their "SmartSoft" emulator application, and the manual is available at etcconnect.com. It's one of the cheaper options our local rental house has in stock, for starters. Quite a bit less to rent than the Leprecon 1536 we've gotten for a few years. It can do 96 channels, which allows a bit more versatility in the rig this year. Besides the usual dimmers and cyc units I'm getting a batch of Ocean Optics SeaChangers dichroics for side-stage -- they're like the Colormerge units we've had before, assembled between the body and barrel of a source 4, but are *so* much nicer. They take 4 DMX channels apiece for CMYG, so for full color separation capability among six units that's another 24 separate control channels needed. For an entire weekend's worth of diverse events I can see a few reasons for not wanting to just gang them up per-side or whatever at the DMX or patch level, so we're already past what the Lep could offer. More channels also allows for interesting cyc-unit splits. It has a shitload of submaster memories, arranged in 12 easily-accessible pages. So for a Masq or the like it would be feasible to run in "sub or two per entry" mode and basically never run out, and still have a bunch of look-composition basics ready to hand for building scenes. It can save onto an SD card, and its default file format is a USITT .ASC file which can easily be hand-edited if necessary. Whee! Build your show offline in emacs or vi, your choice! The board *does* have a cue stack, but the big downside is that there's no concept of link cues. The traditional approach with the Lep was to record entrant cues starting on block boundaries of 10, just doing it linearly through rehearsals and then inserting cue *link* numbers to chain them all together the right way once we got run-order sheets. In the absence of a scratch, this works well -- you can just go, go, go right from one to the other if you've built in all the setup and blackouts around it. But you can't do that on a Smartfade; you'd have to be frantically manually wheeling the "next" called cue number to wherever it needed to go and there usually isn't time for that during run. And we *never* rehearse in run order, as nice as that might have been. I really don't understand the aversion of some board designers to having a plain ol' keypad, easily facilitating a "goto cue NNN" command. This is a serious break from ETC's longstanding tradition of straightforward keypad entry, which fortunately hasn't [yet??] spilled over into the newer high-end stuff. An encoder wheel is just about the height of *wrong* in a UI involving arbitrary numbers under performance pressure. And the board's propensity for having lots of little lighted buttons continually *blinking* at the operator is sure to drive some people bonkers. While sub-per-entry and direct access to them can make up for cue-stack deficiencies in the type of shows we do, now we're also throwing in the wrinkle that the SeaChangers need to be preset in black to whatever color they'll show when lights come up. You don't want to have them crossfading from white along with fadeup, eww! Before you ask, no, there's no inhibit-mode submaster capability like on other ETC boards which would allow holding down all the intensities while the rest of a memory sets up. So how do you do get the correct effect when running on HTP-only submasters? Workaround: use two subs -- one for color preset, and one to add in the lights themselves. Given the slider layout and how pages work, it seems best to use two memories physically located above each other, and reference each "virtual cue block" from the show-caller's standpoint by a simple two digit number. The first digit is the memory page the pair is on, and the second digit is the "setup" sub for the entry. The sub under it then does intensity up/down. So when L1 hears "lighting cue 23", she'll quickly swap to page 2 and bring up sub 3 on that page, and then be ready on sub 27 under it for the Go. The setup can happen as fast as desired, since the Seachangers are dead-quiet at any speed. Old CXI scrollers, these ain't. To record, get the desired look and then just record *both* appropriate memories and edit lights out of the preset side later, or if time/facility permits go to black without touching the color and then record the setup-only memory on the upper handle. Memories can also be copied, so splitting a single "has everything" handle into two during post-fixup is fairly easy. So that allows for 9 x 9 = 81 distinct single-look entries using two digits of reference. But what about multi-cue entries, which we get often enough? We need to change to one or more different states, but ultimately still hold the Seachangers still during final fade-down. Simple: use the next vertical pair of memories to the right, and manually crossfade pair-to-pair which is an easy two-handed action. The final intensity fade would run on the lower slider as though it was a single-cue entry, and then the upper one releases the color. So for a typical two-cue entry called "23", memories 3, 4, 27, and 28 on page 2 would be used and we'd never call a cue-block "24". Obviously the higher subs toward the right end of the board on each page would generally not get used in such a scheme, but that's okay. There could also be alternate multi-state memory allocation schemes that might increase efficiency a little, but the idea is to minimize likelihood of errors *and* keep it simple for the show caller [i.e. no cues in the hundreds]. An upcoming entrant block that we're told will be multi-cue could easily start on any page's handle-pair 9 and spill into 10/34, 11/35 ... and remain opaque to the overall labeling scheme. I suppose that for something *really* complex, like that "complete LoTR trilogy in nine lighting cues" deal from last year, it would be easier to use the cue stack anyway. For a *very* small number of those, it would be feasible to wheel to the right startpoint for each one. Just some thoughts about board organization strategy to deal with these little guys. We will probably see quite a few more of them deployed in other spaces we tend to work, so there's no harm in getting more familiar with them. _H* === post-show wrapup; see "arisia11/" for specifics === The Smartfade, for all its perceived faults, could handle everything we needed for the weekend. Having 96 channels of control was nice in a rig with half a dozen SeaChanger dichroics and LED cyc units, as I was able to address all of that in a fine-grained fashion. This allowed for some beautiful sweeps of color across the cyc, a bunch of different sidelight color for that "party" look, etc. Having the SmartSoft offline package available was useful, as it allowed exploring the user interface in good depth before applying knowledge to the live board. It turned out I was playing with version 2.something and the board we got was already up to 3.0.0, but the differences are quite minor. Obtaining any of these offline applications from ETC's website is a nightmare, as they don't provide straightforward links to them and run the visitor through script-laden forms to try and collect personal information before finally pointing to where it really resides. I would provide direct links except that as the versions advance, additional unpredictable numbers become embedded in the filenames along with [build numbers or dates or something] so it's probably best for those interested to just run through the dance and get their own latest copy. The SmartSoft app is pretty large -- around 100Mb for the Mac package once unzipped. I arrived at the event with a predefined patch done in SmartSoft and stored to an SD card, and the real board read it right in. The patch was some basic rerouting to collect channels in the cyc units, which are normally RGB RGB etc, so with a little fiddling I could have all the reds in one slider block, all the greens in another, etc. By simply drawing "curves" with the sliders in each color, nice laterally-blending rainbows would appear. Naturally I also had full-cyc subs for RGB containing all the appropriate channels. All the look-construction basics were built onto page 12, and then a few essentials from that such as preheat, house lights, MC podium, and a basic "get light on stage" sub were copied to just about *every* other page on down in advance. Those would be needed regardless of where anyone was. Some higher pages were used for other events, leaving 1 through 9 free. Another group with their own lighting person took over the venue for some periods of time, and could run on their own page with some very simple basics that met their needs. Now, there is a nasty board "feature" in which typing MEMS twice in a fairly leisurely definition of "quick" succession immediately swaps to page 1. I would say the most important thing when handing off to someone else, besides having all the above essentials available on every page, is to teach them how to hold down MEMS and bump back to their own show page in case they inadvertently swap to another. My theoretical "batches of subs" on different low memory pages as a masquerade run technique worked out okay, using the vertically-oriented pairs of memory faders for setup and execute of entrant lighting. We in fact had a fairly large Masquerade, and I was working on page 4 by the time we got through rehearsals. Blocks 11 and 12 I preconstructed as "generic warm" and "generic cool" [which our crew loosely refers to as "warm fred" and "cool fred"] and used them for a few entries -- e.g. on a 24/96, page 1 memories 1 (setup) and 25 (run) for the warm look. But with all that lovely side-stage color available under my fingertips in many cases it was easier and more appropriate to build a new look for each entrant. I found myself getting the total look, and then recording the second memory of the set [the full "go"] and then bringing everything except the color-changers down to record the setup memory. Then to run the piece I could just bring the secondary one back up in time. For a multi-step entry and crossfading pairs of memories, the second one should be brought up about halfway before the first one starts down for a better "dipless" crossfade. In cases where the second one simply brings in more light, it may not even be necessary for a true crossfade -- just add the "go" slider of the second set into the mix, and then pull both lower ones at the fade. So the usage here isn't 100% cut and dried. Crossfades in color-changers can also get a little squirrely since bringing in too much of multiple dichroics tends to make the light *dim out* and go muddy. So now it's ideally "high cross" on the lights and "low cross" on the CMYs! This might actually need a little practice to pull off. Under pressure I got a little confused once or twice as to which page I was on and may have overwritten something minor on my "construction tools" page, but either it was nonessential and there's always this "undo" button on the board. Thinking about this and the "default to page 1" thing in post, maybe it would have been prudent to keep a copy of the scene-building tools on page 1 anyway, for an easy one-handed way to get back to them, and start building more complex look blocks on pages 2 and up. With all the look-constructors built beginning from the right-hand end of the slider blocks, that would have still accomodated my "11" and "12" and a couple of others right there on page 1 along with. Since a cue can reference a memory instead of hold a specific output state, I could presumably have still used the stack to drive the Masq memory pairs. To do that, the REC SEQ button must be used [still with STACK as the target "sequence"] and the bump for the appropriate memory entered as the contents. As mentioned a while back, the board's stack is really a degenerate case of "sequence" without the looping but with its own state memory. During playback in such a mode, the board *does* show in the display what the contents of the next cue are -- either "State" or "Mem:01/04" and the like, so that would give a little confirmation that the correct next thing will happen. This would have involved building the stack to reference all the right "block" numbers in run-order once it was known, and making sure appropriate setup and blackouts were wrapped around each section, possibly as point-cues so the main sequence numbers would match the run order -- almost certainly adding another layer of possible screwup, as well as additional time in pre-show prep to bang all that meta-framework in. And since the show-caller already had the block numbers and at runtime it was quite straightforward to swap pages and go, there wasn't actually any need. But if someone re-e-ealy needs go-button simplicity or it's a multi-night show with leisure to build the cue-wrapper, that's another usage methodology to think about. I did use the cue stack for one part of the show, a musical play. Building the cuelist was fairly straightforward. There's a minor difference in stack recording between version 2.x and 3.0, where doing REC MEM and STACK offers the opportunity to wheel to exactly *which* cue is to be recorded. This is useful for a number of reasons -- if nothing else, showing which cue is about to get overwritten if you're not at the end of the stack already. 2.x only offers "new step" by default without saying where it would be placed, and the hidden answer is right after the cue currently playing which may come as a surprise. Also when one needs to duplicate one cue into another later on, i.e. a repeat of a previous scene, it's handy to wheel around to exactly the desired destination cue before committing to it. It seems that to edit an existing cue, the easiest way is to simply be in it and invoke EDIT MEM. Blind editing is doable but involves a lot of wheeling and "yes" button hair -- Yes, Sequences, Playback:XF, Modify Steps, Select Step, Edit, fiddle with the channels, and finally EDIT MEM to save -- all that to change ONE cue, and one has to go through this ENTIRE set of steps for each one to edit. Best to just run the stack and change what's needed live. There are some restrictions on what can be brought up and left there when swapping modes and re-using a fader for its different purpose. If a memory is brought up and then the page changed, the memory in question remains "locked" on the previous page and cannot be reused in the current page until it's brought to 0. That's fairly normal and expected, but what if something needs to be lit and left as is? It must be done at the channel level, since swapping between channel blocks and MEMS doesn't lock a slider. For example, a couple of safety lights left on just a little at "full black" in everything else, such as rope-lights we use to edge the stage and put a tiny glow into. If those are cheated up at the channel level and the board swapped back to MEMS mode for running, it's the closest equivalent this board has to parking [modulo any use of the grandmaster, of course]. Beware: typing CLEAR various numbers of times will make those go back out too, as it's not a true "park". The MEMS are more "sticky" with regard to page changes, so when allocating memories it's good to keep potential slider re-use conflicts in mind and separate them. So ... despite the lack of a real keypad, at this point I'd use a Smartfade again on a show and would encourage others to explore as well. They may very well find some more useful tricks and methodologies that I've completely missed. And making show backups is certainly easier onto SD instead of messing with floppies or a MIDI laptop. _H* 110121